4 Doctor in Drugs or Drug Lab Expert?

Question by MyBusiness: 4 doctor in drugs or drug lab expert?
i need to know if someone uses coke or crack off and on for about a mont say like every 24-48 hours less than a tenth of a gram each time and stops for 48 hours and s it again can they test clean for blood test in 5-6 days they usually do not abuse this and blood test just came up also will excersise and eating fruit and meals help get it out in that amount of time. I know it is not a good thing to be doing but i care for this person and do not want to see the consequences the blood work will be done by the hospitl so please answer truthfully and respectfully. I haved heard 3 days tops but i have also heard other things so again thank you in advance. My friend is not a person who iuses on regular basis just something she has tried and went back to this month. she swears she will stop and i hope this is true. again how long and she weighs about 160 and is 5’6 and she does light excersise due to back problems. and also does eating right and excersise help get this out of her system faster. and what are some ways to get the blood flowing to help get her metabolism up to get it out…

Best answer:

Answer by john e russo md facm faafp
I am a real physician not someone who pretends to be one. There are unfortunately many variables in drug screens. In part the answer depends upon how sophisticated the drug screen is. A simple urine drug screen with results in minutes will not detect cocaine after 48 to 72 hours. More sophisticated blood tests may recover remnants of cocaine for 3 to 5 days. I hope that this has been helpful. I am not judgmental. I wish you and your friend the very best of health and happiness and in all things may God bless. JR

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