5 Damaging Myths About Addiction

5 damaging myths about addiction
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
Do drugs really "fry" your brain? Once an addict, always an addict? Is there such a thing as an "addiction gene"?


Wooton: Is there value to drug testing?
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug testing has become a strong topic of discussion among many families. Should parents, coaches or even doctors require it? Does it stop drug abuse or violate trust?



Church of Scientology Opens New Celebrity Centre in Nashville – Video News Release – www.scientologynews.info The Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre of Nashville held a spectacular ribbon cutting ceremony to signal the opening of their new quarters in Music City’s Fall School Building, Nashville. L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Scientology religion, once said, The world is carried on the backs of a desperate few. Because these desperate few are often the most neglected, Mr. Hubbard saw to the formation of Celebrity Centres-special Scientology churches, such as the new church in Nashville, that cater to artists, politicians, leaders of industry, sports figures and anyone with the power and vision to create a better world. But the Celebrity Centre of Nashville is also open to the general public seven days a week, offering everything from weddings, Sunday service and naming ceremonies to ministerial training and life improvement courses. Introductory courses cover a wide range of subjects from overcoming relationship problems, learning difficulties, and stress at work to improving communication skills and raising children. This spectacular new church in Nashville is just one reflection of the unprecedented growth of the Scientology religion, which now offers service in nearly 8000 churches and groups across 164 nations. Each church is dedicated to achieving the Aims of Scientology A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is free


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