Who Made the Drug Coke or Who Invented It?
Question by killerace: who made the drug coke or who invented it?
Best answer:
Answer by Kaj
Cocaine is a processed derivative of a naturally occurring chemical found in the leaves of the coca family of plants, which are native to South America. The leaves have formed an important part of the culture of several Mesoamerican cultures for over a thousand years.
The specific alkaloid responsible was first isolated by German chemist Friedrich Gaedcke in 1855. Various other German chemists improved upon the isolation methods, and by 1879 the drug cocaine was starting to become an important medicinal compound due to its anaesthetic properties.
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BATH SALTS – Last night got narsty and Jimmy caught it all on video. ENJOY. DUH.
Port Hueneme police target synthetic drugs
Filed under: Synthetic Cocaine
Port Hueneme police said Tuesday they conducted a special operation Friday night to combat synthetic drugs known as bath salts. During the operation, undercover officers searched 11 convenience stores and tobacco shops in the Port Hueneme and …
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New synthetic drug 'Smiles' targeted towards teens
Filed under: Synthetic Cocaine
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) – Officials across the country are educating parents and young teenagers about the dangers of a new synthetic drug that is rapidly expanding across the country. 2C-1, or "Smiles", is a powder-like substance primarily sold over …
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