Man Uses Stolen Checks on a Cocaine Binge in Sheboygan
PublishedNovember 10, 2011
Man Uses Stolen Checks on a Cocaine Binge in Sheboygan Filed under:cocaine uses
Authorities said 40 year old Larry Lapan admitted he had argued with his 44 year old girlfriend and went on a cocaine binge in Milwaukee and Sheboygan last June. Lapan was charged yesterday in Sheboygan County Court following an investigation which has … Source
SCU: Man Uses Underwear to Allegedly Conceal Crack-Cocaine Trafficking Filed under:cocaine uses
Early Saturday morning police conducted a motor vehicle stop that led to two arrests of a suspected drug dealer and crack-cocaine trafficker. By Jennifer Simckowitz The Street Crimes Unit arrested a man suspected of trafficking crack-cocaine and … Source
Judge Rawlins Filed under:cocaine uses
She uses them to make mincemeat out of the scoundrels and criminals who end up in her court. That’s what the Ontario court justice did Tuesday, when she told a 24-yearold Toronto man caught in Windsor with crack cocaine hidden “in a body cavity” to get … Source
Crack Cocaine / Documentary Educational Video
From the public domain. Cocaine was the status drug of the 1980s and then crack became the drug epidemic of the 1990s. Cocaine and crack are still out there, causing damage to the people already using and tempting those who aren’t. It almost seems some people have forgotten about the dangers of cocaine and are trying it for fun. Powder cocaine is quickly becoming the glamour drug of choice again. Crack cocaine is still ravaging communities, with no end to the cycle in sight. Hear how one young man’s cocaine use brought his family to the edge, and how they’re using their experience to help other families. During this hour-long broadcast, learn who is using all forms of cocaine and see how it compares to who used it in the past. See how it’s linked to gangs. Find out how you and your coalition can try to stop its spread and help people who are already addicted. Learning Objectives: Learn the difference between powder and crack cocaine See who is using cocaine and how it is gaining popularity Find out how gangs are linked to cocaine Hear what slang terms are used to describe cocaine and how it is in the open Learn what your community can do to make a positive change Host: Mary Elizabeth Elliott, Vice President of Communications and Membership, CADCA