Which Is the Effect of Dopamine on the Nervous System?

by .phrà

Question by Jackie: Which is the effect of dopamine on the nervous system?
A creates pain feelings
B creates pleasure feelings
C jump starts the nervous system
Which is the most common response of a physiologically addicted person who stops drinking alcohol?

A euphoric symptoms
B hyperactive behavior
C normal behaviors
D withdrawal symptoms

Which would be the effect of a malfunctioning neurotransmitter?

A impulse would be stopped in the brain.
B impulse would be stopped in the spinal column
C impulse could not cross gap between neurons.
D impulse could get you in trouble

Which directly controls a person’s decision to use the bicep muscles to lift a barbell?

A autonomic nervous system
B central nervous system
C parasympathetic nervous system
D somatic nervous system
Which is a snail-shaped structure in the ear filled with fluid and lined with tiny hairs?

A cochlea
B incus
C malleus
D tympanum

Best answer:

Answer by eli
Sensitization or desensitization normally occur with drug exposure. However, addiction or mental illness can tamper with the reuptake system. This disrupts the normal levels of neurotransmitters in the brain and can lead to faulty desensitization or sensitization. If this happens in a region of the brain that serves emotion or motivation, the individual can suffer severe consequences.

Consider an example. Cocaine prevents dopamine reuptake by binding to proteins that normally transport dopamine. Not only does cocaine “bully” dopamine out of the way-it hangs on to the transport proteins much longer than dopamine does. As a result, more dopamine remains to stimulate neurons, which causes a prolonged feelings of pleasure and excitement. Amphetamine also increases dopamine levels. Again, the result is over-stimulation of these pleasure-pathway nerves in the brain.

2 is D
3) is seems any of those is true, but i think they want A
4) somatic

but these questions aren’t that hard to look up
if you don’t study then what are you gonna do on the test?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


2012 Believers Conference: Miles McPherson – Miles McPherson was drafted into the NFL from the University of New Haven and played four years with the San Diego Chargers. During that time he became addicted to cocaine. After his second season in the NFL, he committed his life to Christ and stopped doing drugs in one day. In 2000, he started the Rock Church, one of the nation’s fastest growing and largest churches. His newest book, DO Something is designed to equip people to take Christ’s love to the streets and make a difference in their community.


by .phrà

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