Anyone Know of Any Evidence of the Particular Effects of Marijuana on Asbergers and Its “symptoms”?
Question by Jeff B: anyone know of any evidence of the particular effects of marijuana on asbergers and its “symptoms”?
I believe myself to have this condition but have never been formally diagnosed. I hate the idea of being medicated, and yet I have always had a very strong inclination towards the effects of marijuana… I dont know for sure why. It seems to help me, and I guess Im looking for some outside reference point to guage this perception, possibly with intention to persue a formal research.
Best answer:
Answer by bigd_boy
Funny you ask this. I’m in the same situation. In my opinion it all depends on the strain of mj that you’re working with. In addition, timing of the harvest plays a big role (due to trich development on the bud). It is an interesting topic for sure.
Don’t try Marinol. It’s just another way for corporations to control every aspect of our lives. Grow your own weed and find something that you like.
If you want to discuss, feel free to email me at [email protected]
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