Watch "Methadonia," Doc Film on Heroin and Poverty
Watch "Methadonia," Doc Film on Heroin and Poverty
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
This post is part of a collaborative narrative series composed of my writing and Chris Arnade's photos exploring issues of addiction, poverty and prostitution in Hunts Point, Bronx. For more on the series, look here . ————————- [More]
Mindy McCready Denies Shooting Boyfriend David Wilson, Says He Was Her "Soul Mate"
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
Mindy McCready has had to overcome a lot in the past several years, including drug addiction, jail time, and abuse at the hands of an ex. But nothing compares to the heartache the country singer has been feeling since Jan. 13 of this year, when her boyfriend of two years, David Wilson , died from what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
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