Gambling, Is This an Obsession or Addiction?

Question by Baby Cakes: Gambling, is this an obsession or addiction?
Where do we draw the line bewteen obsession and addiction? A person who starves themselves, a gambler, a cumpulsive washer, can all of these people be suffering from the same thing? An obsession? What are your thoughts?

Best answer:

Answer by Vera Gabriele
If you can’t be without it’s that is an addiction… an obsession is you have to do the same thing over again…an obsession is a compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety.
Gambling can ruin a life just as much as alcohol or heavy drugs only that the addiction is mental not physical..if someone is a real gambler he will not just do this for fun.. it will become somethng he or she cannot live without and the fun of it is to gamble and play for money.. and that can’t get people into deep debts… so they lose everything and still own money.. they know the danger but they can’t stop without help.. that is addiction..

They need a therapist to help beat this just as alcoholics need help.. and they too need to acknowlege their problem ruins their lives and to get help…a lot of people know that but the addition is so strong they can’t stop on their own.. then they need someone to help them and show them what this does to their life and that of their loved ones…xxx

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