Does Methadone or Methadose Show Up Ona Standard 5 Panel Urine Drug Test?

Question by T CUSE 2: does methadone or methadose show up ona standard 5 panel urine drug test?
methadose which is pretty much the same as methadone. they use it in methadone clinics, does that and methadone show up on a standard 5 panel test. i hear it doesn’t i’d just like to know the answer for sure tho. thank you

Best answer:

Answer by Blibstodge
Yes it sure does. Methadone is an opiate the same thing that is the main ingredient of heroine and morphine and Oxycontin even Vicodin.
They will all be listed as opiates without differentiating them.
So if you took a little Methadone and little VIcodin and a little Heroine. It all adds up under OPIATES.
It is very hard to get past a urine test for opiates.
I don’t know about Qtpie but I am the guy in the lab doing these tests and methadone is lumped togehther with all opiates. There is no way to separate them

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