The Grim Life of North Jersey's Suburban Heroin Addicts
The grim life of North Jersey's suburban heroin addicts
Filed under: cocaine abuse symptoms
At 21 years old, Graham Dooner has the same wit and easy charisma that kept him on the edge of trouble as a student at Ridgewood High School. He cracks jokes, he drops lines like “ipso facto” into conversation, he could talk for hours about the history of the labor movement in Paterson. But nearly two years of intravenous heroin use have consumed the body of this 6-foot, 4-inch former varsity …
Pill Mill Surge Spawns New Law in Georgia—Novus Medical Detox Supports Law, Warns Georgians of Deadly Withdrawals
Filed under: cocaine abuse symptoms
With stricter regulations in Georgia regarding pain clinics, Novus Medical Detox supports the new law but warns of dangers of withdrawal. (PRWeb May 05, 2013) Read the full story at
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