Oprah Winfrey Regains Slot as the Most Powerful Celebrity

Oprah Winfrey regains slot as the most powerful celebrity
Winfrey used the show as a platform to teach and inspire, providing viewers with a positive, spiritually uplifting experience by featuring book clubs, compelling interviews, self-improvement segments, and philanthropic forays into world events. The …
Nigerian Tribune

Vista man to stay jailed in Panama slaying
SAN DIEGO — In the weeks following the disappearance of his girlfriend in Panama, a former Marine sold a used machete online, stating in the ad: “Don't worry, I've only killed one person with it,” a prosecutor said Friday. The example of Brian …
U-T San Diego

Wynne's evil scheme to thwart Rob Ford's coaching career
In fairness to the Fords, Wynne probably has stuck her nose in Toronto's business when it really wasn't necessary. At the height of the allegations about a supposed video of Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine, which was followed by staffers leaving the …
National Post