LongTerm Pot Use Tied to Less Dopamine, Which May Help Explain Less

LongTerm Pot Use Tied to Less Dopamine, Which May Help Explain Less
The cannabis users in the study had all experienced psychotic-like symptoms while smoking the drug, such as experiencing strange sensations or having bizarre thoughts, like feeling as though they are being threatened by an unknown force. The …
PsychCentral.com (blog)

The Problem: Addiction Epidemic in Ocean County and throughout New Jersey
Finally, why do we continue to incarcerate low level drug offenders when incarceration is only a stop gap measure often a breeding ground for future drug dealers and addicts, and solid long term treatment has been proven effective according to national …
NJ.com (blog)

Study Suggests Cell Damage As Potential Danger Of Antibiotic Use
The doses were similar to those given patients taking long-term therapy. The damage may explain why antibiotics have long been associated with side effects such as tendon, kidney and liver problems, says Collins, also a founding faculty member of the …