How to Tell if Someone Is Addicted to Drugs (Pain Killers, Cocaine, and Nerve Pills)?

Question by ??’? ??? g??? ???? ??? ??z??: How to tell if someone is addicted to drugs (Pain Killers, Cocaine, and Nerve Pills)?
What are the “symptoms” of an addict? I’m not asking how to tell if someone is using them. It’s obvious that the person snorts them daily. But how do you tell if they’re addicted to them?

Also how would you know if you/someone else is addicted to cocaine. It’s possible to do drugs without getting addicted to them so how do you tell if you/someone is doing them for fun or is in denial and really are addicted? It’s hard to explain. In other words how do you tell if you’re addicted to drugs and not just doing them for fun?
oops. wrong cat.

Best answer:

Answer by 2011
You take them away and see what happens.

Answer by Anita Blake
The most obvious way to tell if someone is physically addicted to drugs is what happens when they don’t use them for a period of time. If they develop withdrawal symptoms, then they are addicted. There are other signs of drug addiction as well. Read more here:

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