How to Convince My Mom to Let Me Smoke Weed?
Question by sashtaghwag: How to convince my mom to let me smoke weed?
I really want to be able to get my moms approval for smoking weed, it mellows me out and reduces my back and knee pain from previous incidents. Some of my friends parents are cool with it. But I don’t want to do it behind her back and I don’t want to get my stuff taken away. I’ve gotten caught at school with a container that smelled like weed and I got suspended and my stuff taken away but I only told her I did it twice. My dad was a huge stoner, rolled up in front of me as a child my bro is too and my uncle. I talked to her about it but she doesn’t want me wasting my money becoming addicted and becoming stupid and she says I don’t need a drug to take away my pain. I’ve seen her high before but she doesn’t like it cuz it makes her paranoid. When I saw her high my bro gave her a cookie & didn’t think it’d do anything to I’m sure my dad wouldn’t care if he was around still but he’s not.
TL;DR: dad bro and uncle smoke weed, like it cuz it mellows me out and reduces pain in knee and doesn’t want me to,don’t wana smoke behind her back.16 goin on 17
Best answer:
Answer by ???
Your Mom’s right so I’m not helping you out here.
Answer by Smoky
Explain that you’re only going to do it in the safety of your home, and that you aren’t trying to hide it from her. Make sure that she knows THC “addiction” has not been proven and is largely all in ones mind. (not a physical dependence like cocaine or heroin)
There are MANY benefits to smoking weed, including treatment for pain, anxiety, insomnia, poor appetite and more. Remind you Mom that these benefits are the reason that you can smoke medical marijuana legally in several states now.
Also remind her that the man she was married to was a stoner, she obviously didn’t mind that he smoked.
Hope this helps