What Is the Meaning of “high” and “episode” in This Context?

Question by Language C: What is the meaning of “high” and “episode” in this context?
Have there been any other times when you were high/irritable and had even more of the symptoms that we have just talked about?

If yes, go back to A16 and ask about that episode.

Best answer:

Answer by Irma N
High means when you are like high on drugs— or in a way, you are over-drunk or over-drugged.
High: Slang. Intoxicated by or as if by alcohol or a drug, such as cocaine or marijuana.

Episode– this would be some part of a — well,lets see it this way:
You are in this class where you learn about drugs, and you study different topics, chapters from a textbook. So, one day you discuss symptoms of drinking/ or having too many drugs.
So, you talk about the symptoms, and at the end of lass the teacher says that if there were any other symptoms, you can go back to an earlier chapter in the book– and read some episode… or maybe the chapter is the episode.
I am not sure about that one though.

Answer by Bird
It would help to know the context of this question.
From what I can infer, high could either refer to being under the influence of a substance (marijuana, alcohol, etc) or a manic state.

Episode refers to a single period of time you were high.

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