Jobs and Drug Tests?

Question by Requiemf0radream.: Jobs and drug tests?
*If a job asks you on the application if you’re willing to submit to a drug test, does that neccessarily mean they’re going to give you one?* I don’t understand why these low quality jobs are asking for so much when they have poor management and horrible pay anyway.. but due to the fact I recently enrolled in college and I’m struggling I’m in desperate need of one. Granted – I am a user but that doesn’t mean I am a human being of low quality and it’s also irrelevant to the question. One more question – do you think that these dead end jobs are asking for too much? I honestly do.
But the managers use too! I’ve had horrible job experiences.. the atmosphere, the pay, and pretty much everything about these places is horrible. So why drug test employees when they themselves don’t care about the company/store? I found my answer.. because of Workman’s comp.

Best answer:

Answer by konala
The question is in the application as a protection for the company. If you have an accident on the job they will test you and if you are dirty you can not sue. Most employers will not give you a drug test (to expensive) but keep the threat of one as a tool. Its all business.

Answer by elihueagns
I dont think they are, some people cant afford to go to school. but to answer your question it is because of the insurance/workman comp. if you cant pass a test for a dead end job how you going to pass one for a real job when you get out of college…