Can Recovering Addicts Become Addicted to the Recovery Process?
Question by Gal from Yellow Flat: Can recovering addicts become addicted to the recovery process?
My sister is attending NA classes and working on recovery from a drug addiction. All she talks about is her recovery and the process she is going through. Although we are very proud of her for taking charge of her life and getting off drugs, it seems as though she is addicted to her recovery. For years, the family revolved around her and her problems, and now it seems as though we are revolving around her healing process.
Best answer:
Answer by VStar Girl
Yes, for some life is about addiction in some form or another. At least this is a more positive one.
Answer by Cella
I know it can get to be to much at times but for your sisters recovery let her get into it as much as possible. As you said it’s a healing process and during this time talking is a main factor. The more she gets into it the better her chances are of staying clean. You might want to suggest that you two spend some time together catching up as sisters and do something together you may have missed along the way. Let her know this is just sister time, having fun is all you want to do. If she starts talking recovery slowly change the subject so as not to hurt her feelings. Talk about something before her addiction.
Many people stay in the recovery process and help others and then others use it for as long as they feel they need it, then move on. I also suggest you go to an N/A meeting with her. That way she’ll know you already understand what she’s doing and it may help ease up the chatting about it. Many people bring family or friends with them. As they say “keep coming back it works”
Take care and never give up!
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