If Someone Has Abused Drugs and Alcohol in the Past, Can They Go Into Law Enforcement?

Question by Anon: If someone has abused drugs and alcohol in the past, can they go into law enforcement?
He has no criminal record at all, and has been clean and sober for over 5 years.

In the past he abused cocaine and alcohol.

Can he still go into law enforcement?

Best answer:

Answer by Mrs.C
If theres no record AND no proof AND doesn’t test pos.

Good that he’s cleaned up his act

Answer by Mr. Wizard
Yes. I’ve seen some damn good law enforcement people, highly trained….with an inside “feel” for the underbelly of the streets. These people have that special edge that makes them go out and snag the bad guys who afflict damage on law abident society.

Yes….they’re drug AND alcohol addicts–but they NEVER let it interfere w/ their law enforcement duties.

It comes down to “don’t ask; don’t tell”.

Cocaine Abuse – Dr. Oller talks about cocaine abuse. A brief summary of emergency treatment and follow up.