Why Isn’t Being Gay Considered a Mental Disorder?

Question by jare bare: Why isn’t being gay considered a mental disorder?
Instead, it’s an “alternative lifestyle”. Well, then, why isn’t alcoholism an alternative lifestyle? Why isn’t drug addiction an alternative lifestyle? Why isn’t shizophrenia an alternative lifestye? Be open minded and really think about this one.

Best answer:

Answer by allthatsolid
Being human is a mental disorder it’s time we all came to accept it.

Answer by dane_train0101
Because it has become so socially accepted.

It used to be, and in my book, it is.

Teenage cannabis users are more vulnerable to heavy drug addiction and
This may help explain why around a quarter of teenager cannabis users end up abusing the drug or developing a dependency. Studies also indicate that cannabis dependence can be inherited through certain genes passed by parents to their children.
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