Molly, What Parents and Kids Should Know

Molly, What Parents and Kids Should Know
In high doses, the drug can result in a rise in body temperature, which can then lead to kidney failure, liver failure, and cardiovascular damage. As if the side effects of Ecstasy and Molly were not enough, kids usually take these drugs in a party …
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Pomegranate Supplement helps Memory Dysfunction after Heart Surgery
… neurodegenerative disease or neurologic condition with known cognitive impact (e.g., Alzheimer's disease, muscular sclerosis), history of drug or alcohol abuse, DSM-IV psychiatric disorder, active renal disease (serum creatinine concentration >2.0 …
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Eric Cantor throws in the towel, praises Bill Ayers's favorite radical Marxist
In a nutshell, “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” instructs that teachers must inform students that they are oppressed and abused under capitalism. Teachers must also tell students who is responsible for this oppression. Once students learn how oppressed they …
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