Psychiatrists. Would Medical Marijuana Help Me With My Illness?

Question by scorpion: Psychiatrists. Would Medical Marijuana Help me with my illness?
I’m diagnosed with OCD and Schizophrenia, this all started from using recreational drugs(MDMA, Cocaine and smoking a lot of pot, sometimes combining them) back in my early 17’s till late 18’s. I’m 22 now I’ve been on SSRIs, Benzodiazepines, and Antipsychotic’s for 4 years now, and nothing seems to be helping me. Only Benzo’s relive my anxiety. I’ve been reading alot about Medical Marijuana and the CBD ‘Cannabidiol’ ; “That it relieves anxiety, depression and psychotic symptoms”… I just want to know, is it a good idea to start smoking again? I’m looking at High CBD: Low THC Marijuana Strains.. Would it help relive some of my symptoms or make them worse in my case?

Best answer:

Answer by Zach
Do it… Weed helps everything 🙂

Answer by Old Man Jenkins
Wow, I can fake OCD and Schizophrenia (those are pseudo-diseases after all) and get free dro?