The Price of Addiction: Oregon Works to Dull the Pain of Prescription Drug

The price of addiction: Oregon works to dull the pain of prescription drug
Oregon is No. 1 in the country for nonmedical use of prescription pain relievers, but much further down the list for fatal drug overdoses, according to a new study. Trust for America's Health's 2013 report, “Prescription Drug Abuse: Strategies to Stop …
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Heroin: deadliest drug in Oregon
But the city of Portland has only one medicated detox center for the uninsured and despite drug users getting younger, that center only admits patients over the age of 18. Gary Cobb was 15 when he shot heroin for the first time. "I crossed a line once …

Marijuana in Washington: Clark County's Prevent! works to stop drug abuse
Slow Down!,” said Chavez, 32, a drug free communities co-coordinator for Prevent!, another name for the Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Clark County. Prevent! steers youngsters away from alcohol and harder drugs. But the passage of Initiative …