Teens in Child Welfare System Show Higher Drug Abuse Rate

Teens in child welfare system show higher drug abuse rate
In addition, although abuse of "hard drugs," like cocaine and heroin, was less common, teens in child welfare were still at greater risk: Six percent admitted to ever using the drugs, versus 4 percent of other teens. The findings are not necessarily …
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Pregnant women who abuse drugs, alcohol need compassion, not stigma from
TORONTO — Seeing a pregnant women smoking a cigarette, imbibing a glass of wine or using drugs is sure to raise a societal eyebrow. But a new report says women with substance abuse problems should be treated with compassion by health providers …
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ADHD drug abuse rises on college campuses
The OSU waiver talks about the risks, dangers of sharing the drugs and that it's a felony. Doctor Mull said the school doesn't allow early refills to replace lost or stolen medication. "We often use the analogy that when you get your prescription, it's …
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