We Should Stop Punishing Addicted People for Being Addicted

We should stop punishing addicted people for being addicted
Earlier this month, a BBC news magazine report explored a new, controversial drug law in Australia's Northern Territory targeting alcohol problems among aboriginal people. In short, the new law entails that problem drinkers can be forced into treatment.
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Joint effort to tackle India's road toll
"We have particular expertise in Australia on understanding how to improve the systems of care for trauma," he said. "It's not usually any one particular treatment like a drug or an operation that is most useful in trauma cases, it's a system of care …
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Is ADHD Overdiagnosed? Disorder's Broad Definition Could Subject Kids To
The analysis was led by Thomas at the Centre for Research in Evidence-Based Practice at Bond University in Australia. “The broadening of the diagnostic criteria is likely to increase what is already a significant concern about overdiagnosis,” Thomas …
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