'Dabbling' in Hard Drugs in Middle Age Linked to Increased Risk of Death

'Dabbling' in Hard Drugs in Middle Age Linked to Increased Risk of Death

Filed under: Cocaine Statistics

Newswise — Young adults often experiment with hard drugs, such as cocaine, amphetamines and opiates, and all but about 10 percent stop as they assume adult roles and responsibilities. Those still using hard drugs into their 50s are five times more …


Spanish stereotypes: statistics tell us they have Mondays, too

Filed under: Cocaine Statistics

The statistics tell us that there are Mondays, too. At 38.4 hours, the Spanish working week is longer than those in Finland (32.8), Germany (37.7), Italy (38) and France (35.6), to give a few examples taken from the EU agency Eurofound.


Spain's lost generation: youth unemployment surges above 50 per cent

Filed under: Cocaine Statistics

More than half of young Spaniards are out of work, according to fresh statistics, signalling a lost generation that has been hit hardest by Spain's economic woes, as the total number of unemployed surged above five million. By Fiona Govan, Madrid The …


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