Fighting Addiction With a Pill Has Potential for Abuse, Officials Say
Fighting addiction with a pill has potential for abuse, officials say
Combined with traditional therapy, studies have shown that buprenorphine is as effective a tool as methadone in opiate addiction recovery, according to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. However, unlike methadone …
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We know it can kill us: Why people still smoke
(CNN) — Smoking can kill you. We've known that for at least 50 years — and yet millions still smoke, and thousands more pick up the habit every year. Why? Their stories involve strong addictions, passionate defiance — and billions spent to make …
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Reaction to governor's pot plan mixed
He will launch a pilot medical marijuana research program that lets up to 20 hospitals statewide provide the drug to patients being treated for such diseases as cancer and glaucoma. … The Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Council of Saratoga …
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