It's Time for Drug Testing to Find Its Way to Capitol Hill

It's time for drug testing to find its way to Capitol Hill
In 2006, Congressman Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island (son of the late Sen. Teddy Kennedy, himself somewhat of a lush) crashed his car in Washington, DC, avoiding jail time by owning up to prescription drug abuse. The judge let him off with a stint in …
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Health Briefs: April 23
Open to cancer survivors regardless of where you received treatment. For information … She started her career at George Washington Cancer Institute in Washington, D.C., where she served as a medical oncology social worker at an outpatient cancer center.

500 observers off to Ukraine
"We came to D.C. with a lot of resolve to make sure that the president sees our faces, and sees the images of cowboys and tribes working together," said Jane Kleeb, a Nebraska political activist who has helped lead the anti-Keystone movement. "We think …