Systematic Review on What Works, What Does Not Work and Why of

Systematic Review on what Works, what Does Not Work and why of
mHealth projects can potentially be scaled-up to help tackle problems faced by healthcare systems like poor management of drug stocks, weak surveillance and reporting systems or lack of resources. Conclusions: mHealth in Africa is an innovative …
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At 21, recovering heroin addict gets a new start
“I had to use,” he says, “to feel normal, like a regular person.” Lewis was consumed by … When Lewis snorted his first line at age 18, he'd already used almost every imaginable drug: Marijuana. Cocaine. LSD. Ecstasy. Mushrooms. Pills. Heroin, though …
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Doctors, medical staff on drugs put patients at risk
"The medical community thinks it's immune from this disease, but that's not true," says Bertrand, who had no history of drug use until she got hooked on pain medication after an abdominal surgery. "There are so many practitioners working impaired and …
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