Number of US Newborns With Drug Withdrawal Triples – YAHOO!

Number of US newborns with drug withdrawal triples – YAHOO!
Filed under: cocaine abuse symptoms
The number of newborns with withdrawal symptoms … cocaine face no serious long-term health problems. Some think the current problem is being overblown, too. Carl Hart, an assistant psychiatry professor at Columbia University and a substance abuse …


Treating Nicotine Dependence as an Addiction – Evansville Courier-Press
Filed under: cocaine abuse symptoms
Several studies over the years have shown that nicotine activates the same reward pathway in the brain as heroin and cocaine and although … free from nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Those interested in nicotine addiction treatment, can find …


Don't be a dealer to your teens

Filed under: cocaine abuse symptoms

Surprised? Most parents are when they hear about the prevalence of prescription drug abuse by teens. Teens mistakenly believe prescription drugs are not as dangerous as illegal drugs such as ecstasy and cocaine because they have legitimate uses.
Read more on Sourdough Sentinel


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