Cali Estes, the Addictions Coach, Exposes Xanax Prescription Drug Abuse on NBC

Cali Estes, the Addictions Coach, Exposes Xanax Prescription Drug Abuse on NBC

Filed under: Symptoms Cocaine Abuse

It was crazy, I couldn't get enough of the drug and I found myself stealing and buying more illegally just to feel normal again. I was using it at one point to lessen the symptoms of heroin withdrawal. I can't believe how out of control it was.
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Abuse of Authority or Addiction?

Filed under: Symptoms Cocaine Abuse

With drug abuse, Callaghan said addicts will commonly report “phantom pain.” “Their addiction is telling them they're still in pain,” he said. “After detox they go, 'I feel great.' ” Some of the classic signs of substance abuse – missing work, …


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