'Addict' Britain Is Worldwide Hub for Sale of Legal Highs
'Addict' Britain is worldwide hub for sale of legal highs
The report also found some websites selling class A drugs such as heroin and crack cocaine for postal delivery. Elsewhere, the report criticises the government's inadequate response to heroin addiction, revealing that more than 40,000 drug addicts in …
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'Very, very bad drug': Meth can have devastating effects
Local drug experts say meth begins by changing a user's behavior and slowly stealing their healthy appearance, all before plunging into a deep and dark journey that too often destroys everything that most people would say makes life worth living. For …
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Police: Teacher Supplied Cons
The police also found marijuana and cocaine in a backpack with Peters's license. Peters, who … Suboxone is the most common controlled drug to smuggle inside the prison through the mail, according to court documents, because it comes as a thin film …
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