Admiral Crumple – Merk You Produced by Al’Tarba
Admiral Crumple – Merk You Produced by Al’Tarba – Please make sure to “Like” The official Admiral Crumple facebook page here – Also tell all your friends about Admiral Crumple music as well. I’m committed to building a fan base of 50, 000 loyal and supportive fans. Buzz is very important in this industry, so if you love and appreciate my music please support. Thank you so much, I appreciate you all very much!
'Flight' features a powerful Denzel Washington performance
Filed under: Cocaine Overdose
… relationships with his flight attendants, drugs and general lack-of-responsibility situations. After nursing a hangover with a few lines of cocaine and an OJ spiked with vodka, Whitaker takes to the skies for what should be a routine flight from …
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