Are There Any Intellectual Reasons to Smoke Pot?
Question by Poiuytrewq: Are there any intellectual reasons to smoke pot?
My pot-smoking friends have given me the impression that the only use for weed is to be dumb, but they all have a friend(s) who smokes weed all day, every day, man, and he’s a ******* genius.
My theory is that smart people use weed because they’re so tired of being smart all the time and just want to be stupid for a while.
So, I don’t know what the actual answer is to this question, and that’s why I’m Yahoo Answers!!!!!!!.
Don’t respond if you have little experience with smoking pot/people smoking pot, if YOUR going to criticize my grammar, or if you’re going to propagate the dumbest stoner stereotypes (my pot-smoking friends still aren’t the “above the influence” ads’ archetypal potheads.)
Thanks, I hope you appreciate my somewhat thought-out and explained question.
Part of what I’m asking is if there are any intellectual activities (reading, writing, studying, learning, of some sort) that would benefit from me smoking “some dank nugs.”
Best answer:
Answer by George J
i was high and i aced my finals. i also was dehydrated and was hearing music the whole time even though before i smoked up i took off my headphones O_o
Answer by Keyser SoSo
Smoking weed leads to a lot of insight on how f@cking stupid society is, then you get paranoid that you will get caught..
Then you go on just theorizing stuff that makes sense, but you’re just sitting around smoking.
You’re right.. a lot of intellectually brilliant people smoke weed/drink alcohol to get away from it all.
However, the intellectual/brilliant person should just say, “You know what, all I’m doing is escaping.” He needs to “man up” and face the world. Change it in his own way, and be happy.
Knock it out bro.. just know that it’s really nice… and monitor your moods and activities.