Are Whites Aware That Black Oppression Extends Beyond Slavery?
Question by CookiesnCream: Are whites aware that black oppression extends beyond slavery?
White people here are always posting questions and comments like, “No one is a slave. I never owned a slave. Why don’t blacks get over it?” Why do they want America to forget about people who were murdered and treated so inhumanely as if they were nothing? Isn’t that unfair to let their memory die? Secondly, when they make comments like this, they seem completely unaware that blacks went through 200 more years of hell after wards. Does the school system keep children from learning much about black history, or do they choose to ignore it? Do they think that all of this has no affect on blacks today?
Also, isn’t it odd that you compair all blacks to Obama? Obama didn’t grow up in the ghetto like a large percentage of blacks.
Black people complain that they can’t get jobs because it’s true.
Best answer:
Answer by J D
still complaining?
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