Arkansas Girl Surviving Often-Fatal Brain Infection

Arkansas girl surviving often-fatal brain infection
There have been nearly 130 cases reported in the United States since 1962, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. … Health officials say Kali's success is due in large part to experimental treatment and early detection and …
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Church pays .35 million in suit alleging Newark archbishop protected abuser
"The case in Peoria is a carbon copy of how he has handled things here in Newark," said Robert Hoatson, a former priest who now heads Road to Recovery, a group that aids abuse victims. "The protection of priests has been his priority, and the just …

Student gets boundary waiver after Manual cuts seventh grade
TanJashia and her mother Arnisha Johnson stand in front of Manual High School on Saturday. Arnisha enrolled her daughter in Manual's seventh grade academy in April but was then told in July the classes would be eliminated. At a District 150 meeting on …
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