Can Anyone Explain All the Different Drugs That People Do?
Question by Abcda D: can anyone explain all the different drugs that people do?
were learning about drugs in my health class and i dont know anything about them. ive heard of drugs like crack, cocaine, meth, weed, etc., but i dont know anything about them. what are tehy used for? what do they look like (i know cocaine is in the form of powder and you sniff it, but the rest of them i dont know)?
Best answer:
Answer by becca jc
My mother was a meth user and there are a few ways to use it, interveinious (needle) smoking it and some do snort it. Meth can com ein a power or a crystal. A lot of people are addicted to it and have severe problems. Meth destroys lives and just keep the thought in your head when you really begin to learn in class, its scarry yet interesting at the same time.
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Who Said It: Sheen or Gaddafi? – Start the game at A continuation of the sad/fascinating game of SHEEN OR GADDAFI, the youtube quiz show in which you have to decide whether a quotation was spoken by noted dictator Muammar Gaddafi or noted wealthy cocaine user Charlie Sheen. If you want to have more quiz show fun with YouTube annotations, check out Truth or Fail:
Washington man who admitted smuggling cocaine into Canada gets 10 years in …
Filed under: Cocaine User
Even assuming that the total weight of the cocaine seized was not doubled or tripled by the time it reached the end users, this cocaine represents 18,920 user doses,” prosecutors wrote in their sentencing memo. U.S. District Judge John Coughenour …
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