Can I Form an Addiction to Opiates in General?
Question by lbckirko: Can i form an addiction to Opiates in general?
I havnt been on one certain kind of opiate for a long period of time (1.5-2 weeks at max) but ive switched around from hydro codone to oxycodone to morphine to hydromorphone…
(I broke both bones in my leg pretty bad and had to get surgery, all are under prescriptions, not abusing, taking as needed but afraid i can develop addiction as is)
Best answer:
Answer by Joey m
Yes you can. Your doctors are very aware of that and are monitoring your intake. That don’t want you to be in pain, but they also don’t want you to develop an addiction to your meds. Maybe that is why they keep changing them.
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Police arrest Three in Drug Bust
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