Can Listening to Brainwave Entrainment on “drug” Frequencies Make You Test Positive on Antidoping Tests?

Question by A life of sacrifice.: Can listening to brainwave entrainment on “drug” frequencies make you test positive on antidoping tests?
Three days ago I found a binaural beat audio that supposedly mimicked the effects of DMT (dymethyltryptamine) and was curious to it (I have honestly never done drugs or anything, and I thought binaural beats would have far more mild effects and be SAFER) so I tried it. It lasted 30 minutes and I listened to it twice (because I forgot to put my Windows Media player’s loop off). It had no effect on me.

I was wrong. It DID have effects on me but like 3 hours later, andI felt sick and was really scared something serious would happen to me. It caused me heart palpitations, insomnia, anxiety, and fast breathing. No hallucinations (thank god), but I could literally feel my lungs and heart on overdrive.

And then TODAY, by pure coincidence, my school did an antidoping test on two random students on a group out of 30–I happened to be one of them out of some horrible luck.

Could I test positive from this? What if the binaural beats didn’t just entrain my brain, but caused my body to naturally produce the same chemicals that a drug has when you ingest it? Even if that were true I didn’t get hallucinations so at least I wouldn’t have reached the threshold where it’d be significant in my urine…but…I really don’t know.

I really want to stay out of trouble, this was such bad luck :/ What should I tell the school in case I test positive? I repeat I’ve NEVER done drugs and I’m definitely NEVER trying that DMT binaural **** again. If they think I have drug problems they will force me out of the school and into a rehab program which I do not even need at all, it would be one big misunderstanding :S

HELP!! I PRAY to God I test negative.

Best answer:

Answer by raysny
I’m a mental health care work who works primarily with those who have substance abuse problems.

If you didn’t take anything, you have no worries. Even if you had, most standard urine tests check for amphetamines, opiates, cocaine, and marijuana, not hallucinogens, and especially not DMT:

“DMT is not a chemical that is checked for with any type of known drug test.”:

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