Can My Babys Father Have Partial Custody if Hes a Drug Addict and I’m Afraid of Him?
Question by Dori: Can my babys father have partial custody if hes a drug addict and I’m afraid of him?
I tried to give this man a chance & tried to give him the benefit of the doubt because he was the father of my child even though I did not know him. He told me to leave my apartment & job to come live with him when i was 5 1/2 months pregnant & I did later to find out him & his family are horrible people while I was pregnant he was arrested for a probation violation & a failed cocaine drug test. Unfortunately I was unaware he did any drugs & was also selling them & keeping them in his parents home when his parents were well aware of this they did nothing about it. My mother had come to florida & came couple times to come see me in his home & when she realized I was living in an environment filled with drugs she promised to help me get out as soon as she can. Not to mention the guy was verbally abusive, physically abusive & a drunk & would threaten to kill me if i left & a drug addict the baby is 3 weeks now & he has been arrested 3 times from april 2012 to april 2013 he has been arrested a total of about 9 times since he was 18 for drug possession every single time, Has no license, no home of his own, no car & drug money is his income, no bank account to prove he has income either. He also does nothing with his life but sell drugs. In the process of my mom trying to help me get out of the place his mother kicked me out because I did not have money to pay her the rent for one month.. so she kicked me out 8 months pregnant with no place to go & no money after she had sucked me dry. When i moved in the agreement was I didnt have to pay rent cause I was carrying her grandchild & she wanted me to save up for the baby “or so i thought”. one month after living there all she complained about was money & tried to guilt trip me into giving her every dime I had left that i was planning on using for my childs things & baby shower. The father did not buy my daughter any clothes or baby gear my parents were nice enough to help me get what i needed. I had to stay with my aunt for 3 weeks after that had happen until my mother was able to afford to buy me a flight to where she lives. Keep in mind my aunt lives with her 3 kids two of my other aunts & her husband in a 3 bedroom. I would’ve not been able to stay there nevertheless find a job at 8 months pregnant. When i left my babys fathers home his mother told me a lot of hurtful things all because of money & told me my child was going to be a piece of sh*t like me & didnt want to ever meet her. My babys father told me the exact same thing so i left with the intention of getting my life on the right path & moving on & not looking bad or leaving my child with such terrible people. 2 1/2 months later his home got raided for drugs this was in march & he was arrested for trafficking & possession for 5 different substances & was released a day after his child was born in april 3 weeks later. when the baby was born i was in another state with my mother cause i had no place to stay no job & him & his mother had taken all my savings. Now he contacts me with threats telling me if i dont let him see his child he will take me to court to get visitation & partial custody but I am afraid of him &what he might do to my child. Hes been abusive towards me while i was pregnant imagine towards an innocent toddler when she breaks something or does something wrong. His friends who are girls threaten to hurt me & hurt my child on his behalf if I dont give him full custody I just don’t know what to do. I have no record what so ever, an education, a license, a car, & I start working on june 17th back in the state that i’m from. I am over all a healthy & nice person. I know I made a couple bad decisions but I dont want my daughter around these people this man leaves cocain dust all over his dressers his bed without cleaning it up god forbid the baby inhales that while shes visiting him & something happens to her & they take her away from me. Or his home is raided while she is spending time with him & they take her away from me for good. Social services will come after me, & ask me if I knew what was going on in his home why I didnt let the courts know. & then I will be considered negligent & they will take away my kid for good. I dont want to take my baby girl away from her father but he is a bad person, & i’m honestly afraid for her & for myself if I thought otherwise i would have no problem with letting him play a role in her life. I told him if he wants to see his child he needs to get a job, a license & get life together but he refuses to & the threats keep coming my way. Also the man is sick while I was living with him there was a 15 year old girl who contacted me telling me that she was sleeping with him unprotected & he was trying to get her pregnant as well. The man is 26 years old, thats sick. Also, he threatens to hurt me if i put him on child support but i dont want anything from this man. You think any judge will side with a drug addict with a criminal record?
Hey ann maybe you SHOULD’VE read the details, better judge of character who are you to judge me? I am human and made a MISTAKE. Acting slick on a internet website, who do you think you are pathetic. I didn’t ask for your opinion but thanks 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by FROGMAN FIVE 3 to 6
get your proof and take him to court ! of course it will come out of your pocket !
Answer by Ann
I didn’t read all the details. The minute you said you didn’t know him I stopped reading.
This is what happens when you don’t get to know the people you have sex with. You have a drug addict as a baby daddy.
Hopefully the judge will be a better judge of character than you are.
ETA: yes, you made a mistake. I wasn’t trying to act slick. I was being honest. You need to be prepared for people to tune you out when you give so many details. This will not go over well in court. It makes you look like you are oblivious to your part in all of this. When you go on and on about how horrible his family is it looks like you may be hiding something.
If you start out saying you didn’t even know him, it shows you are impulsive. And then when you start to trash his family, your credibility is questionable.
Drug-Dependent Infants Detox at Tenn. NICU – Newborns go through withdrawal after their mothers were hooked on painkillers.