Could I Be Going Schizophrenic or Becoming Mentally Ill?
Question by Rae Rae BAY AY: Could I be going schizophrenic or becoming mentally ill?
Im 16 and on my birthday about two months ago I smoked some weed and had this real bad “panic attack” as my counselor says but I really think it was a little bit of psychosis involved and its also believed that the weed was laced with pcd and basically I’ve had real bad anxiety ever since but I’ll never smoke again,I’m really healthy I’ve been to the doctor since the incident and they haven’t found anything wrong thank god and my momis working on getting me into therapy,im in homeschool because now I have real bad insomnia,my brothers 17 and he smoked weed and it brought out that he is schizoaffective and bipolar so sometimes that plays on my mind that that is what could be wrong with me,sometimes I get really really sad and just break down and cry then I’m fine after,sometimes I look at the clouds and sky and get freaked out,sometimes I’ll have delusional thoughts like what am I? What are we? Is this a dream? Am I supposed to be here? There’s other planets other than earth so where do we go when we die? But I know I’m just thinking to hard and need too stop so I just do things too keep my mind off it sometimes I’ll halucinate but I know its not real and its not real bad hallucinations its like corner of my eye type things ,when I look outside and see people walking I’ll ask myself how do they do that? Why don’t they think like me? Or why can’t I be like that again I’m not sure what I am it could be bipolar disorder but I don’t know,I also read up on this stuff a lot because I wanna be a psychologist one day so I kinda think its all in my head and maybe I’m gaining the symptoms ,I also have ptsd because I was abused when I was younger and the marijuana incident also has a big part of the ptsd ,I hate having agoraphobia it is not fun,my thoughts aren’t fun sometimes I just feel like I’m trepped in the world or in a dream and one day I’ll wake up I just want it to stop,help.
Best answer:
Answer by annie42
I think anymore recreational drugs for you is a bad idea. Doctors will probably say you are “self-medicating”. The problem is, many of the drugs doctor’s put us on have terrible side-effects, and it is not an easy process to find the right medication. I would start with talking to a therapist, and hopefully, your parents, about what you just told us here (minus the drug experimentation if you like; I would save that for another time, but try and tell them that also if you can). Start a journal. Do a lot of art. Listen to music. Be careful who you hang out with. This is your life, and you have awesome goals.
Answer by Seidhr of Orlog
So you’re claiming that you smoked weed one time and it gave you psychosis? And your brother also? That is one hell of a claim there especially seeing how it goes directly against ALL of the conclusive evidence from the studies done by all of these credible sources:
the BBC, Raphael Mecoulam PHD, Dean Becker – Drug Truth network, California nurse’s associatioin, The University of California – San Fransisco – (School of medicine and Patients out of Time), Dr. David Bareman, University of Colorado Biology department, Neuro Sciences Departments of Pharmicology and Biological Chemistry and Center for Drug Discovery University of California Irvine, The Cannabinoid System Network, National Institute for the Chemistry of Biological Systems in Naples Italy, and the National Institutes of Health, The American Medical Association, The Journal of Neurology, Dr. Donald Tashkin, author of the largest study ever conducted into marijuana and cancer, The World Health Organization, The Lancet (British medical journal), and over 5,000 years of documented medical use of marijuana in China as well as many many more….
“Marijuana supresses the 5-HT2a receptor in the brain wich restricts the flow of blood to the 4th layer of the cerebral cortex. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for cognitive thought and perception of reality. This is the receptor that is supressed by anti-psychotics. What’s more is Marijuana activates all of the cannabinoid receptors wich makes it an effective anti-depressant, mood stabalizer and treatment for ADHD. With long term use of marijuana if one suddenly and completely stops it use they would experiane the same side effects as with any of these medications” – Neuro Sciences Departments of Pharmicology and Biological Chemistry and Center for Drug Discovery University of California Irvine
“Marijuana activates all of the receptors in the cannabinoid system wich creates an environment with the human body that body builders, nutritionists, weight loss experts and health experts strive to create through exercise and diet” – The Cannabinoid System Network
The Lancet (British medical journal) – “the smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to health”.
“The truth is that the reason that we are seeing an increase among youth in the use of marijuana within this country is because they’ve been lied to. They’ve been told that this is a very dangerous drug and that it has no bennefit. It is more apropriate to bring it up out of the streets and into the doctors offices so that children and parents can learn the truth, get some of the data and look at this drug, not with a reefer madness perspective, but more with a scientific and factual perspective.” – Dr. Claudia Jenson – Clinical instructor and practicing pediatricion at the University of Southern California
the American Medical Association – “The American Medical Association knows of no dangers from the use of Hemp.”
Here is a list of marijuana strains that are currently being used as medications for treating some of the symptoms you are claiming it gave you
(AK-47)or (AK-48) Pain, Nausea, Depression, Insomnia, Headache
(BIG BANG) Severe Anxiety, Stress
(NYC SOUR DIESEL) Edema, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Radiculopathy
(LOLLIPOP) General Seizures, Glaucoma, MS, General Pain, Cachexia
(MAGIC CRYSTAL) Migraine, PMS, depression, SADS, Mania, Nausea.
(MEDICINE WOMAN) Diabetic Neuropathy, General Pain, General Seizures, Glaucoma, Hepatitis C, Muscle Spasms, Nausea, Radiculopathy.
(PHAGHT BETTY) Cachexia, Degenerative Bone/Disc Disease, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
(SWEET BLU) Degenerative Bone/Disc Disease, Diabetic Neuropathy, Edema, Fibromyalgia, Muscle Spasms, Nausea, Neck/Spine Pain
(SWEET TOOTH #3) Depression, mood swings
(WHITE WIDOW) Cachexia, Hepatitis C, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
You sure you aren’t just an anti-marijuana advicate or aren’t just lying to get sympothy so you won’t get in trouble for using marijuana?
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