Cross-Addiction: The Hidden Risk of Multiple Addictions (Drug Abuse Prevention Library)

Cross-Addiction: The Hidden Risk of Multiple Addictions (Drug Abuse Prevention Library)

Addiction and Drug Abuse – Click on the image below for more information.

Cross-Addiction: The Hidden Risk of Multiple Addictions (Drug Abuse Prevention Library)

Addiction and Drug Abuse

Discusses the nature of drug addiction, how addiction to one substance can be transferred to another, and how to recover from addiction.

List Price: $ 30.60

Price: $ 53.44



Addiction and Drug Abuse – Click on the image below for more information.


Addiction and Drug Abuse

Julie grew up in the heart of Dublin’s north inner city, in Sheriff Street. Living in this tough area, she was exposed to crime and drugs. She started using heroin when she was 16. By the time she was 18 she was a chronic addict. This story details how she spent the next four years living on the streets of Dublin; dealing drugs and stealing to feed her habit. It is a snapshot of how a young girl became a victim of circumstances. It happened in Dublin, but it could have happened anywhere in the

List Price: $ 7.50

Price: $ 7.50


Free At Last: 7 Spiritual Tools for conquering your addictions

Addiction and Drug Abuse – Click on the image below for more information.

Free At Last: 7 Spiritual Tools for conquering your addictions

Addiction and Drug Abuse

Drawing on her own experiences as a former drug addict along with the experiences of other recovered addicts and alcoholics, Pat MacEnulty has formulated seven tools to conquer a variety of addictions, including food, nicotine, drugs, alcohol or sex. Incorporating the teachings of mystics and spiritual traditions, MacEnulty offers a simple guide for transformation.

List Price: $ 6.99

Price: $ 6.76


PSA – Addiction/Drug Abuse


PSA on Addiction and Drug Abuse


Christie and drug treatment / A major step

Filed under: Addiction and Drug Abuse

But if he is sincere about this – if his proposal wasn't just an applause line in a big speech – it would be the most sensible step New Jersey has ever taken in the effort to fight drug abuse and break that cycle of addiction, crime and poverty.


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