Cruz Defends Role in Government Shutdown

Cruz defends role in government shutdown
If you're wondering who was at the center of the strategy to defund the law known as Obamacare, Sen. … Speaking to a room full of medical professionals in Austin on Saturday, Cruz explained how the plan came together, and how it eventually fell apart …
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An Austin, Texas Bungalow Transformed Into a Sustainable Modern Dwelling
Prior to this treatment the original stone veneer covering the house was removed, and then reapplied after the above wall system changes. The remodeling team wanted to ensure as much natural daylight in all the rooms as possible. To achieve this …
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Trouble Beneath The Surface
Lifeguards pulled Bob from the water, but 20 minutes elapsed from the time they began their rescue to the time he received treatment from an advanced life support crew, according to medical documents and a report by local authorities. He was not …
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