Depression Treatment May Also Prevent Adolescent Drug Abuse
Depression treatment may also prevent adolescent drug abuse
Filed under: cocaine abuse symptoms
Washington, June 5 (ANI): Treating adolescents for major depression can also reduce their chances of abusing drugs later on, according to a new study.
Depression treatment can prevent adolescent drug abuse
Filed under: cocaine abuse symptoms
( Duke University ) Treating adolescents for major depression can also reduce their chances of abusing drugs later on, a secondary benefit found in a five-year study of nearly 200 youths at 11 sites across the United States.
What Is Cocaine Psychosis? [Drugs]
Filed under: cocaine abuse symptoms
# drugs By now you've likely heard the horrifying tale of the naked Florida man who was shot by police while eating another man's face. What possessed Rudy Eugene to consume 75-percent of a homeless man's face? Drugs, obviously. It's not totally clear which drugs Eugene was on, but police have speculated that the attack was prompted by cocaine psychosis. That sounds like a serious condition. But …
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