Did Ryan Adams (The Singer) Go Through Rehab or Get Cleaned Up Alcohol or Drug Wisein the Last Couple of Years?

Question by Abby P: Did Ryan Adams (the singer) go through rehab or get cleaned up alcohol or drug wisein the last couple of years?
He seems like he was messed up for so long and the last few interviews I have seen he is very alert, very personable, and well, seems to be able to connect with people. I know he just got engaged and then married to Mandy Moore and I cant see her marrying a totally messed up guy so did he actually clean up!??! I just havent seen much else about him in the news.
and I *AM* talking about Ryan Adams (the singer of Come PIck me up) not Bryan Adams (the summer of ’69)… if you dont know who Ryan Adams is you really should get to know him.

Best answer:

Answer by Vote for Pedro
Bryan Adams u mean?
Goes to show you where I am at in the music biz. lol
I’ll check him out and see what he’s about.

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Psychologists Can Only treat Substance Abusers – This liberal message of progressive Californian psychologist, Mr. Armenak Nouridjanian, touts usage of psychologists and psychotherapists to treat substance abusers in state rehabilitation centers for drug-addicts. I object to usage of corrupt conduit of narcomafia, named American Alcoholics Anonynimous and Cocaine Anonymous, in American state rehabilitation centers over their ” powerless” proclivity to sponsor and connive to alcohol and substance abuse.


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