Do Leftists Think That if They Get “universal” Health Care, Hillary and Obama Will Wait in Line With Them?

Question by The Oft-Suspended RP McMurphy: Do leftists think that if they get “universal” health care, Hillary and Obama will wait in line with them?
I suppose they do, that while they’re on the wait list for gall bladder surgery that might or might not happen before they die, that Hillary and Obama will be patiently waiting as well. Of course they will be, right?

Best answer:

Answer by Bob W
Just wait and see how much it costs when it is “free”

Answer by C’est Pas Vrai!
Do I give a crap? I’ll have healthcare, which will make me happy. Do you get to chill with Bush in the waiting room now under our awesome current health care policy? (which is LAST IN THE WORLD OF ALL INDUSTRIALIZED NATIONS!)

Why are you so proud of this?! Bulgaria has better f-ing healthcare than the US. WooHooo! USA #1!!! Why waste your time defending what is undoubtedly the worst health care policy of any country that’s not a 3rd world country.

just say what you mean…the non-rich deserve to die. Take an IED to the face, please.

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