Drug Abuse and Addiction – PR-USA.net

Drug Abuse and Addiction – PR-USA.net
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
As a normal being, we may wonder how other people became addicted to drugs. We may judge them as an immoral individuals who lack principles and discipline within them. Some may say it is a choice made by people, in a way it is, but when it came to the …


Anti-abuse, addiction forum on the cards – Independent Online
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
Pushers and drug lords can expect to see their profits shrink with the news that KwaZulu-Natal Premier Zweli Mkhize is setting up a forum to tackle abuse and addiction in the province. Popular drugs, including woonga and kuber, will be targeted as part of …


Psychology: Speak to your children about drugs – HometownAnnapolis.com
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
It still seems hard for many people to grasp the extensive destructive power of drugs and addiction. It is especially confusing when abuse involves legally prescribed medications that are then misused for recreational or emotional reasons.


Kevin Riordan: Christie's comment on treating drug abuse stirs hope

Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction

"The disease of drug abuse" was the phrase the governor used in proposing mandatory addiction treatment in cases of nonviolent drug-related offenses. "The governor gets it," says Stephanie Loebs, vice president of treatment services at Seabrook House …
Read more on Philadelphia Inquirer


New Site Answers Hard Questions about Addiction

Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction

The new and improved website is intended to further the ProjectKnow.com goal of educating people about the causes, effects, symptoms and treatments for drug and alcohol abuse and addiction. Evalyn Smith, the Knowledge Manager of ProjectKnow.com, …
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle (press release)


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