Drug Addicts Who Lie…?
Question by uglibetty: drug addicts who lie…?
Ok, my situation was that I tried to help an ex bf for about a year and half. He was trying to kick a coke addiction and I tried to understand, emotionally support him and even attended NA meetings.
He ended up lying and lying about drugs, so both of us agreed that I would control the money and give him what he needed for gas, etc. It was working out well (although I always suspected he was still doing something, but couldn’t figure out how).
Then I found a hidden work money-perk card which I found out he called every month to see what his new balance was for the type of work he does. On this day it was $ 450 and I suspect he was getting his drugs in a sneaky way… His eyes even showed signs of coke and possible Oxycontin (they would vary from dilated to pin-point).
I left him and moved out, blocked his nasty emails that followed and refuse to deal with him ever again.
Tell me I was right for throwing him to the wolves?
Wow. Did I ever get responses… I’m not going to narc-a-non because I don’t have that “problem” in my life anymore.
Although it does make me sad to think that he can’t keep clean for even himself or his kids (who he needs to talk drug tests to see- and finds someway to pass them- as he’s told me), then he’s never ready to stop his addiction and face why he covers the pain up with drugs. I’m certainly not dumb enough to fall for the “I’m sorry; I will never do it again. I’ll work on it” routine that he hands me every time he was caught. Thank you ALL!!!
Best answer:
Answer by Marcie
Yes you were right… Go to nar-anon.
Answer by La
He’s going through emotional and physical addiction.
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