Drugged-Driving Arrests Soar as Prescription Abuse, Police Training Rise
Drugged-driving arrests soar as prescription abuse, police training rise
Filed under: cocaine abuse symptoms
More people are arrested for driving on drugs along Lower Hudson Valley roads and highways – and throughout the state – than a decade ago.
Drug abuse threats in medicine cabinets, 'head shops,' officials say
Filed under: cocaine abuse symptoms
Keeping up with the wide-ranging, often bewildering array of designer drugs with appeal for young people is difficult enough, but parents often are the unwitting providers of a large supply of illegal drugs.
Synthetic drugs a major problem in West Virginia
Filed under: cocaine abuse symptoms
KEYSER – Some were pacing, others were fidgety, and one was leaning against the wall as if in a deep sleep, but they were all waiting for the door of the store to open, because there was merchandise on the shelves in which they have an interest.
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