Exposing Human Trafficking

Exposing human trafficking
Amid the disturbing facts and statistics of human trafficking brought to light by the speakers, it was the personal story told by Katariina Rosenblatt, a survivor who was "recruited" at her middle school at age 14, that had the strongest emotional …
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Zukin: Non-prescription drugs come with more risk than reward
In fact, my peers and I described drugs like Adderall or Ritalin as “legal cocaine.” High school and college students nationwide are abusing prescription drugs. With access to a wealth of information (thank you, Internet), it is easy to “self-diagnose …
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Pilcher Trial: Marlin, Guyette, Fairchild, Armstrong, Peterson and Klein
She showed signs of memory loss and confusion throughout questioning. She admitted to huffing paint on a daily basis for two years and then moving on to crack-cocaine. Armstrong and Pilcher smoked crack-cocaine together and during one of the times …
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