For People Who Had a Parent Struggling With Addiction…?

Question by ktron – respect my atheati!: For people who had a parent struggling with addiction…?
Did you find a way to blame yourself for that parent’s addiction? Do you still feel guilty, even if you know it wasn’t really your doing?

Best answer:

Answer by Sunshyne
Of course I felt guilt at times. I kept thinking I could do more, be a better kid, tried harder in school, ect. This was years ago when I went through all this with both of my parents. As for now, no I don’t have any guilt. They were grown adults putting pressure on me as a child to grow up to fast. That’s on them, it wasn’t my problem. If you are having to deal with this, I’m so sorry. Its not an easy way to live but if you keep with you what you are feeling like and you yourself don’t become an addict, then you have learned a lesson and that’s what matters in this life. Stopping the bad patterns our parents had and learning from them. Good Luck to you! :^)

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